Funding a new generation of independent voices!


Mainstream media is dead. Decades of lies have led to a complete collapse of trust in the nightly news. This collapse has paved the way for a new generation of independent voices. These voices carry the torch of truth and freedom, however, the crumbling media empire and their establishment allies are doing everything they can to suppress this new wave of independent media producers and content creators. Demonetization is their weapon of choice. This is where Independent Media Token solves a problem.

At the heart of IMT lies a solution to the rampant censorship and demonetization that is being inflicted on the masses of content creators who are simply struggling to be heard. This solution comes in the form of our “Creator Fund.” Through an initial allotment of 100 million tokens, which will be replenished by a 1% tax on trading, the IMT Foundation looks to fund independent voices based on user feedback. Ultimately, YOU, the community, get to decide what voices get funded and which projects IMT will make a reality. The creator fund will be used in the following manners:

  • Quarterly distribution of tokens to content creators chosen by community input.

  • Funding of specific projects by content creators ie. film, documentaries, book publishing, etc.

  • Awards for outstanding original media work chosen by the community.

  • Charitable donations to organizations who support a free and uncensored media landscape.


  • Total supply of 1,000,000,000 IMT, a SPL-2022 token on the Solana blockchain.
  • The Creator Fund, which is 10% of the total supply, will be locked for a duration of eight months. Once unlocked, quarterly distributions will not exceed 20% of the total fund.
  • Tokens designated as growth and development will be fixed at 5% of the total supply.
  • Team tokens are set at 5% of total supply. These will remain locked for 12 months with an additional 10 month vesting period.
  • The tokens earmarked for the liquidity pool are set at 80% of total supply.
  • A 1% tax on trading will replenish the creator fund so as to allow the project to continually operate and meet its funding goals.

How to Buy $IMT Upon Release (Q4 2024)

  1. Create a Phantom Wallet, Trust Wallet or any other wallet that allows for holding of Solana network tokens.
  2. Buy Solana through an exchange of your choice and then sent it to your wallet.
  3. Connect your wallet either to Raydium or Jupiter exchanges.
  4. Then you can swap your SOLANA for $IMT.


Cory Hughes

Cory Hughes

Brand Ambassador

Anton Gab

Anton Gab

Web Master



Community Manager


Charlie Robinson

Charlie Robinson

Ryan Cristian

Ryan Cristian

Christopher Mathieu

Christopher Mathieu

Steve Poikonen

Steve Poikonen



Lindsey Scharmyn

Lindsey Scharmyn

Media Partners

Contact Us

Thinking of becoming a media partner or just have a general question about our project? send us a email and will definitely get right back to you.